Functional core, imperative shell is a pattern that structures software into two basic parts:
The part that only depends on the inputs to produce the desired output -- the pure functions -- and
the part that handles the interactions with the outside world -- impure functions that handle the statefule infrastructure.
The typical visualization shows a big functional core where all the pure functions live, and a thin functional shell where the impure functions interface with the outside world:
The domain logic -- what the software does -- is part of the functional core. The lack of side-effects and infrastructure makes the functions of the core easily testable since there is no need to bring up parts of the infrastructure or manage state for testing.
The imperative shell orchestrates all the impure effects that a software needs to be able to interact with the outside world. It takes inputs from the external world (e.g., user input, network requests) and orchestrates how those inputs flow into the functional core. It then takes the results from the core and applies side effects, such as writing to a database or sending a response back to the user. In the shell, the programs can handle all the impure interactions and take care of errors, non-deterministic behaviour, and exceptions in concert. The functions in the shell call the functions in the core with the pure values obtained from the impure interactions. The functions in the core never call the shell. Separating into shell and core is always possible: Every function can be refactored into parts that supply input or process output impurely and the parts that turn input into output purely.
This pattern brings about a separation of concerns between pure and impure functions. It collects the infrastructure's technical details in the shell which decouples them from the pure domain logic which allows parts of the infrastructure to be easily updated or swapped out without touching the pure logic.
This pattern does not necessarily lead to a separation of concerns between domain logic and infrastructure since the usage of infrastructure is usually part of the domain logic (store data in a database or read a file for example).
Although all the non-deterministic and effectful interactions are orchestrated in the shell -- which is unequivocally positive -- the shell is likely to contain substantial parts of the domain logic and grow quite complex and become hard to maintain in large programs. The natural evolution is to make even more functions pure and focus more on the separation of concerns between domain logic and infrastructure. This can be achieved by representing effectful interactions as pure values and separating the evaluation and effectful execution from their pure representations. See Composable Effects for details.
It is always recommended to reach for this pattern as it always improves separation of concerns, testability, and maintainability.
In very rare cases, when performance is really critical and profiling your application shows that the separation into different functions causes too much overhead, optimizations like memoizations or other impure algorithms might be valid reasons not to separate pure and impure parts but to inline them. But this is almost never the case.
Our simple example application reads user input, increments the input, and outputs the result:
fun increment() : Unit = {
print(read() + 1);
The increment
function couples the I/O code for reading and for displaying the result tightly to the pure logic for incrementing a value. We can refactor this code to
a pure function that lives in our functional core with the single responsibility to compute the result:
fun increment(Integer n) : Integer = {
return n + 1;
a side-effecting function with the single responsibility to supply the input to the pure function:
fun input() : Integer = {
return read();
a side-effecting function with the single responsibility to do something with the result of the pure function:
fun output(Integer n) : Unit = {
Our application's entry point function orchestrates the side-effecting functions of our imperative shell and calls the pure functions of the functional core:
fun main () : Unit = {
n = input();
n' = increment(n);
Handling of errors and non-determinism is left out here, but can all happen locally and coordinated in the main
function. See Composable Error Handling for details.
What we see here with this small example applies to larger, more complex programs.